Kratom Cancer Pain Treatment & Anti-Depression

Kratom Cancer Pain Treatment & Anti-Depression


Mitragyna Speciosa (Ketum, Kratom or Kratum) is a natural herb with a very controversial history. It is native to Southeast Asia and part of the coffee family. Kratom leaves have been chewed to enhance mood and help with other health problems for years. The mood enhancing effects of this herb has caused many people to abuse this plant. Which in turn has given it a bad name. Similar to how marijuana abuse caused a negative public opinion and went from a natural plant to an illegal drug. As of right now Kratom is Legal in most states. It is only illegal in Indiana, Tennessee, Vermont, and Wisconsin. Legislation is currently pending in some states to make this herb illegal. So make sure you get updates on your state laws before using. Most of this legal hype is based on opinion and not science. This article will provide you with the information and answers to the following kratom cancer questions. Is kratom cancer pain treatment effective? And…Can this plant work on cancer depression?




Kratom Cancer Pain Treatment.

Cancer pain can be a difficult situation. Options for pain become limited due to various side effects. Having an extra option as a last resort is always a good idea. Your cancer pain level and type of pain will dictate what choices you have. For instance, trying Curcumin, Frankincense, Celebrex, and Cannabis first might be a good idea. Those are all more readily available and more researched. But if you need something strong and your options are limited, kratom might help. No studies are available to show Kratom cancer pain treatment is effective. We know kratom works on pain because it behaves as a u-opioid receptor agonist. Similar to morphine. But it has far less side effects than morphine. It works so similar that Thai natives used kratom as an opium alternative. Some even suggest that chronic opioid users have taken kratom to manage withdraw symptoms.


Kratom Cancer Pain Usage + Dependence.

Of course anything this powerful needs to be respected. Taking too much of this herb too frequently will cause dependence. A cross-sectional survey of 293 kratom users was conducted. 55% showed severe dependence while 45% showed a moderate dependence after more than 6 months of use. Withdraw symptoms included muscle spasms and pain, sleeping difficulty, watery eyes/nose, hot flashes, fever, decreased appetite, and diarrhea. This means that proper Kratom dosage control is very important.



Kratom Cancer Anti-depression Treatment.

Just for the simple fact that kratom can relieve pain makes it something that can change mood for the better. As soon as your pain is under control a boost in your mood will be noticeable. But kratom does more than just that. Many people abuse this herb for that very same reason. It makes them feel good. At certain doses it produces sedative and euphoric effects. These effects are noticeable 5 to 10 minutes after ingestion and can last up to 5 hrs. No human studies have been done to test its anti-depression effects. But a mouse study showed kratom reduced corticosterone and exerted an anti-depressant effect.



Kratom Cancer Pain Treatment & Anti-Depression was last modified: January 12th, 2018 by Cancermind
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  1. Angela Mackenzie 6 years ago

    Kratom has demonstrated a great deal of potency and efficacy in the treatment of many illnesses and conditions, while offering effects that can enhance the management of a wide array of chronic illness. I have personal experience with Kratom and it has cured me to a high extent. I have even recommended it to my friends and relatives.

    • Author
      Cancermind 6 years ago


      Thanks for sharing your experience with kratom.

  2. Elizabeth Perkins 6 years ago

    I have late stage mucosal melanoma and use kratom for pain. The only real problem that I’ve run into is this…
    Kratom exasperates cachexia. Think about this for a moment….

    • Author
      Cancermind 6 years ago


      Thanks for sharing your experience with kratom. I’m sure this will be valuable information for anyone thinking of using it as an alternative pain treatment. Can you tell us why you decided to use kratom? Have you noticed any benefits to using kratom vs other natural or prescription pain options?

  3. Steve 5 years ago

    I have to disagree with one aspect of this article. I take PURE Kratom (Green Borneo) at a dose rate of about 3 teaspoons a day divided morning noon and night. It kept me out of pain with severe degenerative hips till surgery, and now moderates my neuropathy in all 4 extremities.

    I had to stop using it 2 weeks prior to surgery after being on it for 2 years. I did not experience any withdrawal. There are many products marketed as Kratom. I cannot speak for all, but I have a trusted source who imports grinds and packages and it is pure and unadulterated.

    Avoid “enhanced” “GOLD” “Super”, “Power K” and any such modifications. God only knows what it is.
    However, when you stop, the pain returns, and although this is not withdrawal, it is not a happy event.

    • Author
      Cancermind 5 years ago


      Thanks for sharing. Glad to hear you didn’t notice any withdraw symptoms after taking it for 2 years. However, a study did show that after 6 months of use dependence was noticeable in a high percentage of people. That doesn’t mean everyone who takes it will become dependent but it’s important to understand the risk.

      What made you decide to use kratom for your pain? Have you tried other natural options? If so, how did they compare to kratom?

  4. Steve 5 years ago

    Thank you for the reply. I am extremely suspect of these studies which reported actual withdrawal.
    First I need to tell you I am a member of the American Kratom Association ( and we have been on a mission to educate the public and lawmakers (including the DEA) about the use or KRATOM.

    I should say that our first effort to keep the DEA from scheduling this as a controlled drug was successful last year mostly due to the 6 sitting US SENATORS and the 33 sitting HOUSE REPRESENTATIVES who acutely take Kratom for pain relief.

    We have also been conducting studies about the secondary effects of Kratom with particular concern to its potentiate abuse and possible aspects or withdrawal. What we have found so far is that all 100% of the reported OD’s and “bad reports” about Kratom and its use where traced back to questionable supply, and the mixing of other known drugs and narcotics–including alcohol, with Kratom.

    We advocate the PURE FOOD and DRUG laws be applied to any sourcing of Kratom, and we believe most if not all problematic reports concerning the use of Kratom will disappear. Those that concerned Young people who died which are most disturbing, actually when you drill down you find there was little to do with Kratom, much to do with a mentally unstable child and really absent parenting. Naturally we don’t consider that any reason at all to question Kratom.

    Lastly, concerning this reported withdrawal. I have actually gone through unassisted withdrawal for opiates. I would not wish it on my worst enemy. But I have to wonder of those who reported withdrawal from a PURE UNADULTERATED source, really weren’t just getting reacquainted with their pain?

    As to other remedies, sure cannabis does a good job, and there is much work looking at the various Terpene expressions of CBD oil WITHOUT THC from cannabis to give the pain relief without the psychoactive effect, but fortunately (SO FAR) the THC, at least to some degree is a necessary ingredient. One reason I favor Kratom, as it imparts ZERO effects other than pain relief–at least to me. But I do believe in life, if ones does enough of something long enough, it can be addictive be it emotion, habit or craving all of which can be found in LOVE, drinking coffee and even the way one opens a door! ;)~. Not reason enough to stop any of those activities though.

    I think that covers it, that you for your response.


    • Author
      Cancermind 5 years ago


      That is interesting and i hope that kratom continues to be tested and accepted if it can be beneficial for pain control. I do know that withdraw symptoms experienced by patients were not anywhere severe as opiates etc. So the only thing left to figure out is whether the withdraws in the study are justified or due to pain symptoms coming back like you mentioned.

      I do think kratom is a very potent treatment for pain. And it can be very important for some people to have access to this natural herb when other options stop working. But because it’s harder to find and purity can sometimes be questioned many other safe alternatives might be better in some instances. Plus other options like curcumin, and boswellia have a lot of research behind them as well. None the less, it’s always good to have more options so thank you for fighting for kratom and continue the good work.

  5. erin 5 years ago

    I just started my journey with kratom because of the new opiod laws in my state has changed the way my doctor can prescribe them to me (i can go to a pain clinic if i want) and i was raised to use alternative means anyway so i decided to try kratom. My daughter suffers from severe depression (clinical) and she and i both have felt better using this for 1 week so i just ordered more! I did not see much pain relief but enough that it has changed my life and my daughters! I pray this never gets banned and i plan on doing everything i can to fight against them doing so in my state.

    • Author
      Cancermind 5 years ago


      Thank you for sharing your experience. I am glad kratom is helping you and your daughter. If you haven’t noticed enough pain relief you can try a different strain or adjust the dosage. Some strains work better for pain than others. Good luck.

  6. Gary 5 years ago

    It should be noted that due to varying potency between strains and plants, this estimate is in no way standardized, instead it an estimate based on historical and experiential reports. Doses at the “high” end of the spectrum are also much more likely to cause side-effects, depending upon the strain.

    • Author
      Cancermind 5 years ago


      Which estimate are you referring to?

  7. Theresa Brewerton 3 years ago

    My father has been diagnosed with stage 3 Multiple Myiloma in the spine. His pain is so great the fen-tonal patches don’t relieve his pain for long. He also has stage 3 Kidney disease. He has been doing chemo. He also has COPD and Sever environmental allergies. Can he use the topical form to help with pain, and not react with other medicines?

    • Author
      Cancermind 3 years ago

      I have no experience with the topical form but even if someone did they wouldn’t be able to tell you without a doubt that it wouldn’t interfere with other medicines. Just not enough data out on this. Taking kratom orally or topically is taking a risk especially when you mix it with other drugs and or medicines.

  8. Theresa Brewerton 3 years ago

    Thank you. I have friend who uses the tropical on her temples when her migraine are clustering. She says it helps for them if she can do it before the pain gets in tense. I have been trying to gather info on this product as much as possible.

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